Monday 2 July 2012

Pastor runs mad while praying for a mad man

 Residents of Oke-Ado area of Ibadan, Oyo state as well as commercial traders, car dealers along Molete road on thursday watched open-mouthed at an un-folding drama between a mad man and a pastor.
According to eye-witnesses, the pastor named Timothy arrived Ososami Junction around 5.20pm and walked to meet the mad man, popularly known as Tunde who was siting in front of a building in the area. The pastor then began to read the Bible as he walked towards him and on getting closer laid his hands on the mad-mans head. Read more after cut..

At some point, there was a hot arguement between the pastor and the mad man, which made the pastor raise his voice as he was praying for deliverance for Tunde. The prayer lasted for 15 minutes before the real drama began.
Another eye-witness an Okada rider said at some point, Tunde the mad man removed the Pastor's hand from his head.And suddenly a strange spirit got hold of Pastor Timothy and he began to remove his clothes.Now naked, he laid flat on the ground, speaking in a strange language, with foam oozing from his mouth.
The mad man who had moved some distance away from him, now came closer to him and they sat together, while onlookers watched the unfolding drama. Till now, the pastor is still in his state of insanity.
Via Tribune

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